
How Chronic Insomnia Can Negatively Affect Your Mental and Physical Health and How We Can Help

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How Chronic Insomnia Can Negatively Affect Your Mental and Physical Health and How We Can Help

Chronic insomnia is more than just a few sleepless nights — it’s an ongoing problem that robs your body of essential rest and repair time. If it’s happening to you, don’t ignore it because chronic insomnia can affect your mental and physical health. 

As part of Mental Health Awareness Month, Dr. Julie Kim and our team at Braincare Performance Center - Cardiff want to shed light on the far-reaching consequences of chronic insomnia and introduce magnetic e-resonance therapy (MeRT) as a promising treatment option.

What is chronic insomnia?

Just about everyone has sleepless nights occasionally, but most can overcome the problem by reducing stress or avoiding caffeine. 

Chronic insomnia, on the other hand, is when you have ongoing difficulty falling or staying asleep at least three nights per week for three months or longer. Unlike acute insomnia, which typically resolves on its own, chronic insomnia may require professional treatments and interventions. 

How chronic insomnia affects your mental health

Chronic insomnia isn’t just a nighttime problem — it affects your cognitive function all day. Without adequate sleep, your brain works less efficiently. Here are some of the most common signs that your brain isn’t getting enough rest:

Anxiety and depression

Depression and anxiety can lead to insomnia in about 75% of people who struggle with these disorders. But the reverse may also be true — insomnia may trigger depression and anxiety in some people. 

Lack of sleep disrupts the balance of neurotransmitters in your brain, which are crucial for mood regulation. If you have chronic insomnia, it can exacerbate your anxiety and depression symptoms.

Cognitive impairment

Quality sleep is vital for memory consolidation, decision-making, and problem-solving — so too many sleepless nights can spell trouble for your brain. You may find yourself forgetting things, having trouble concentrating on tasks, and struggling to make simple decisions.

Emotional instability

Sleep deprivation can also make you more susceptible to emotional outbursts and mood swings, making it harder to manage stress and maintain healthy relationships.

How chronic insomnia affects your physical health

In addition to brain fog, chronic insomnia takes a toll on your body. You’re not just imagining the sluggishness and physical changes. Here are a few of the ways poor sleep impacts your physical health:

Weakened immune system

Your body relies on sleep to bolster the immune system, so chronic sleep deprivation can make you more vulnerable to infections and illnesses.

Weight gain and metabolic issues

Poor sleep affects the hormones that regulate hunger and satiety, leading to overeating and unhealthy weight gain.

Heart problems

Persistent insomnia makes it difficult or impossible for your body to repair and renew cells, so it increases your risk of developing conditions such as hypertension, heart disease, and stroke. 

Introducing magnetic e-resonance therapy (MeRT)

Dr. Kim specializes in magnetic e-resonance therapy (MeRT), an innovative treatment that addresses the underlying neural imbalances associated with chronic insomnia. It uses magnetic pulses to stimulate specific areas of your brain, promoting better sleep patterns.

How MeRT works

We tailor your MeRT protocols to your unique brainwave patterns. Here’s a breakdown of the noninvasive process:

  1. Initial assessment: We conduct qualitative EEG (qEEG) brain recording to analyze your brain's electrical activity.
  2. Customized treatment plan: Based on the assessment, we create a personalized MeRT protocol to target specific areas of your brain.
  3. Treatment sessions: Over several weeks, you undergo regular MeRT sessions where we apply magnetic pulses to your scalp. This is painless brain stimulation. 
  4. Progress monitoring: You return for regular follow-ups and qEEG assessments to ensure that the treatment is effective, and we can make adjustments if necessary.

Benefits of MeRT

Understanding the dangers of chronic insomnia helps you realize the importance of resolving the problem. Rather than relying on medication, consider MeRT because it’s:

  • Noninvasive 
  • Painless 
  • Safe
  • Personalized 
  • Drug-free 

With MeRT, you get improved sleep, mood, cognitive function, and overall well-being without the side effects of sleep medications.

If you’re interested in learning more about MeRT or want to schedule an assessment, call Braincare Performance Center in Cardiff, California, or request an appointment online. Let’s work together to reclaim your nights and improve your days.