Your mind spirals in negative and worry-filled thoughts and you long to find just a moment or two of peace from your anxiety. What if we were to tell you that we can deliver that moment, and many more, quickly and without medications?
For the 40 million adults in the United States who struggle with an anxiety disorder, life can be challenging. Not only can anxiety trap you in a prison of worry and dread, some pharmaceutical solutions aren’t much better.
At Braincare Performance Center - Cardiff, our team offers a safe, fast, and drug-free solution for anxiety in the form of magnetic e-resonance therapy (MeRT). Read on to explore how this innovative approach to brain health can help you break free from your anxiety.
We’re emphasizing that our approach to treating anxiety through MeRT is drug-free and we want to quickly review why this point is important.
Many people with anxiety are being prescribed a class of medications called benzodiazepines. Early on, these drugs were considered to be a good front-line treatment for anxiety, but, much like painkillers, the medical community is recognizing the darker side.
Benzodiazepines have a very high potential for substance use disorders. Of the slightly more than 30 million Americans who are taking these drugs, 5.3 million are misusing them, which can lead to addiction and dependence.
Not to mention, benzodiazepines are not a cure, but just a quick fix for the symptoms of anxiety.
Instead of piling onto your anxiety issues with potentially addictive medications, we want to introduce you to MeRT.
To get started, we first map your brain to see which areas are actively engaged in your anxiety and negative thought patterns. Armed with that information, we then get started on your MeRT treatments, during which we deliver rapid and repetitive magnetic waves into the areas of your brain that we’ve identified as being problematic.
These magnetic waves are designed to stimulate your brain cells to form healthier neural connections and brain wave activity. In other words, the pulses stop the spiral in your brain and get your thoughts going in a more positive direction through newly created neural connections.
One meta analysis of noninvasive brain stimulation concurs that the treatment is effective in reducing the symptoms of anxiety. Even better, a study by the Stanford University School of Medicine using their own type of brain stimulation, which is similar to ours, found that 80% of participants with severe depression had rapid remission after the treatments.
We’ve found that these same types of results extend to using MeRT to address other common mental health conditions, including anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), among others.
Whether it‘s anxiety or depression, MeRT goes to the source of the problem — your brain — and “rewires” it to favor healthier thought patterns and improved mood regulation.
If you’d like to see for yourself how MeRT can release you from your overwhelming anxiety, bringing you much-needed peace of mind, please contact our office in Cardiff, California, at 858-306-1070 or schedule an appointment online today to get started.